Mother Goose Monday

I wanted to start sending out an informational blog designated to posting about Mother Goose Time monthly topics.  This will provide more of a consistency in my postings as well as a way to provide info about us as we discuss various topics.

This month I will share about our routines in the Playroom.  We don’t really go by schedule but rather a routine.  Kids have an innate need and desire to have a daily routine.  I feel routines gives children control in a world where the control is limited.  Most people have a desire to be in control, this includes children.  Routines gives the child a sense of control over what comes next.  The children can go to the posted chart to see what they just finished and see what is next.   This gives a resistant toddler control over the opportunity to be a big kid and follow the same routine as the big kids follow.  It provides a game plan.  I have also found out that a heads-up or a warning is an awesome tool for having a smooth transition.  Many children are unable to transition from one activity to another smoothly without an adequate advance notice.  Having a consistent routine is the best way that I have found to be successful in our day.  Here is our posted routine…

Our typical day begins with Mother Goose after our morning snack.  We make sure the toys are picked up and I turn on our MGT Circle Time song to signal its about time to get a letter square and come to the Circle time area.  At the end of the song it has them jump, clap, turn around and then sit down.  Then we are ready for our time.  At Circle time, we have our morning meeting, which includes the weather, calendar, and our discussion question.  Then we explore the topic on our daily poster.  We break into our centers.  I change these out each week, minus a couple that we include every week, such as Art Cart, and Investigation stations.  I’ll have to share about them in another post.  The Planning Journal from MGT has many great activities we add during the center time.  I personally love the STEM activities and the outside ideas.  It gives us another way to include nature in our play.

Our daily routines helps the kids in many ways, but the best is the fact that it helps eliminate or cuts down on behavior issues within our day.  They know what is expected and an idea of what comes next.  It is sort of like an internal clock.  If they are confident in what is going to happening they don’t fight the loss of control.  They are able to share in or take ownership in what is expected.  A good example of this is our “Chore Chart”.  I have a chore chart posted and everyone has to check it before they can lay down for quiet time.  Some of them have to check each item with their finger before moving on to the next item.   The posted chart is a visual for the ones that need it and a reminder for everyone else. Routines help the little ones to get prepared for the real world with a big”schedule”.


Chore Chart

Thanks for reading our first Mother Goose Time Monday blog post.  Let me know what you think.  Be on the lookout for some freebies coming next week!

Ms. Sally

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